My Work

Amnesia: Restored

A professional reconstruction of the 1986, text-based, adventure game published by Electronic Arts and made by Thomas M. Disch.

Chesshouse Madness

A video that features chess pieces attempting to live a “normal” family life, but we all know that with so many kids that will be an exceedingly challenging task.


A charming tale of two peas taking on a wrestling match against their greatest enemy: the tomato. Camera movements and sound design, the story unfolds into an exciting and dynamic long shot of a success story.

Art Project

A butterfly being a late bloomer and is afraid to interact with others because he is afraid how the other butterflies would think of him.

Art Project #2

A drawing that I have made that features a small town that is located on the foot of mountains. The town suffers from horrible weather, like thunderstorms, constantly.